Pass Them the Keys

God appoints leaders in the church not to be a source of hope for other believers but to be a vessel that imparts, directs, and guides others into a revelation of who Christ is and our identity in Him. As a leader, one of the primary goals should be to equip and position others to go even further than we have.

That being said, I wanted to share a recent testimony I received from a woman who I ministered deliverance to a few weeks back. She had incredible breakthrough during our prayer session including deliverance from multiple spirits and inner healing of soul wounds.

However, she messaged me a few days later and told me that she was experiencing an increasing agitation after we prayed. I told her there was likely a spirit that did not get driven out in our session and to stand on her authority.

I encouraged her that she had the same authority I did, and to stand on it and command it to leave. I also encouraged her to connect and spend time with the Lord.

She messaged me a few days later letting me know, in the secret place, after devouring the Word of God, the Lord took her through some deep inner healing from childhood wounds and the demonic spirit left and she was free. Praise God!

Now, I could have easily immediately offered to pray with her again, but had I done that I would have deprived her of her private victory with Jesus.

So I ask, what is the true purpose of ministry? It’s to point others to the only One who saves, heals, and delivers. Ministers, that is not us. It is Jesus alone. We have just been given a gift to see Him for who He truly is and to introduce Him to all who do not know Him yet.

We've been called to help the church to see themselves clearly. Our purpose is to place the keys we've been given and put them back in the hands of those who have not yet picked up their authority.

Friends, ministers are not your savior—Jesus is. Learn from them, honor them, but do not place them in a position of lordship where only Jesus belongs.

You, too, have the keys of the kingdom.


Why You May Not Be Receiving


How to Stay Free After Deliverance