How to Stay Free After Deliverance

When the Lord sets people free from demonic oppression, it truly can change the course of their life. No longer are they oppressed by fear, thoughts of death, addictions, intruding thoughts, compulsions to sin, and other forms of bondage inflicted by the devil. 

However, the enemy hates God’s people and will do everything he can to bring people back into the same bondage and, unfortunately, sometimes he succeeds. This is why it’s so important to understand not only how to be set free, but how to stay free.

Here are keys to maintaining your deliverance:  

  • Renewing your mind in the Word of God is IMPERATIVE. Hosea says, “my people perish for lack of knowledge.” The mind is the breeding ground of deception if we do not know the truth of the Word. Furthermore, the enemy wants you to not understand your identity or inheritance in Christ. It's not as simple as reading the Word daily, although, that certainly will help. You must also ensure you are receiving revelation from the Word that transforms the way you think. It is truth that sets people free (ref. John 8:31-32). If you currently do not receive revelation when you read scripture, invest time in receiving discipleship from gifted teachers of the Word. Here are a few discipleship apps I love that are full of free, sound resources and teachings.

    • MessengerX discipleship app by John & Lisa Bevere

    • Orbis Ministries app by Ken Fish

  • Pray and speak scripture over yourself that combats the bondage the enemy is trying to inflict. For instance, if you were set free from a spirit of death or suicide you should speak words of life over yourself such as, "I shall live and not die, and declare the works of the Lord" (ref. Psalms 118:17). There is power in the confession of your words, and life and death are in the power of the tongue. Once, a demonic spirit is removed you must fill that space with truth.

    • The Bible app makes it easy to find topical scriptures on fear, anxiety, identity, etc. You can write them down and pray through them daily.

  • Inner healing of soul wounds may be needed. If you were set free of spirits rooted in identity or trauma related issues such as fear, rejection, unworthiness, abuse, abandonment, anxiety, etc. you may also need healing of your soul wounds. Trauma, whether chronic or acute, causes a disintegration of our heart, mind, and body. Without the restoration of the broken parts of our soul, it can be difficult for the truth of God's Word to become heart knowledge and not just head knowledge. We should have a confidence in God's love for us, but often unhealed trauma can hinder our ability to truly receive that love. As a result, people find themselves oppressed again by the same spirits of fear, rejection, anxiety and so on. In fact, sometimes inner healing may even be necessary before people can be initially set free of the those spirits.

  • Join a spirit-filled discipleship community that teaches on the Word of God, gifts of the spirit, and will help hold you accountable in your growth. You need friends and mentors that can pray with you, encourage you, and help you grow in the Lord. They should help you live a holy life, consecrated to the Lord.

  • Avoid sin and be quick to repent. Unconfessed sin opens doors to demonic oppression. You cannot continue on in a sinful lifestyle after deliverance and expect to stay free. Please understand, I'm not saying that if you sin once you will become demonized. It is lifestyles of unconfessed sin such as promiscuity, excessive drinking, dabbling in new age, false religions, and so on that will open the door.

  • Pursue intimacy and the Presence of the Holy Spirit. It says we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. That power enables us to overcome the enemy and produces the fruit of love, peace, and joy in our lives (ref. Galatians 5:22). Find a church that truly honors the person of the Holy Spirit and allows Him to move freely. Holy Spirit knows how to heal your heart, restore your joy, and is the one that will breathe revelation into scripture.

  • Foster a lifestyle of worship to Jesus, especially, when you feel oppression from the enemy. The scripture says to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (ref. Isaiah 61:3). Not only do demonic spirits hate the worship of Jesus, it's almost impossible to worship the Lord regularly and not fall in love with Him. And the closer you are to the heart of God the more His truth, love, and Spirit will fill you. Furthermore, when we worship Jesus we create an atmosphere for the Presence of the Holy Spirit to move. When the Holy Spirit is truly moving He can initiate healing, deliverance, encounters with His love, joy, and more.

To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The cloak of praise instead of a disheartened spirit. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Isaiah 61:3

  • Live a holy life. Your eyes and ears are gates into your soul. What you read, watch, listen to, and invest your time in all matter. Many books, TV shows, songs, and media glamorize sin and the occult as entertainment. Do not let your soul feast on these things. They are door ways to the enemy. The Word says we should focus our attention on things that are pure (ref. Philippians 4:8). The word pure in the greek is hagnos which means to be free from ceremonial defilement and to be holy or sacred.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 NASB

These are the same principles that truly apply to all believers to grow in their maturity and authority in Christ.


Pass Them the Keys


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