Why You May Not Be Receiving

We often hear in the Christian world that we need to honor, by recognition and respect, the call on someone’s life in order to receive from them. We often put ourselves in proximity to someone's gifting in hopes of walking in the same anointing.

But I would challenge you that honor in the kingdom is far more than recognition and acknowledgment of authority and gifts. And if that’s all you do, you are missing out on a key principle of the kingdom.

A few questions for you to consider…

• Do you see a gifted leader or minister as an opportunity for you or a person to love and serve?

• When is the last time you asked yourself how you could serve a gifted minister or leader, rather than being excited to receive from them?

• When you don’t receive from a minister when and how you want it, what is your response? Do you pray for them or get offended? Do you quickly move on to the next person that can help you?

• When a minister offended you or could not meet your expectations, did you stop and ask the Lord how you could love them well? Did you sow into their ministry anyway?

• When requesting ministry, are you motivated by how little you can give to receive as much as possible?

I do not know why, but the Lord has often positioned me around people of influence, power, and credibility and I've always been truly humbled by that. Simply for context, I have 10+ years experience working with and being accountable to valued and gifted leaders, ministers, clients, donors, churches, and organizations.

I spent several years leading a team as a director in an international ministry and over seven years working in the wealth management industry in development, leadership, and relational roles. I also led revival meetings in my own home and serve consistently at my local church.

I share this, because through my journey, I have learned and been humbled A LOT. And consistently, where I saw the most growth was in individuals who recognized that the key to true honor was SELFLESSNESS and SERVANTHOOD.

Those whom the Lord (and secular world) quickly promoted were those whose actions were not motivated by what they could receive from others, but what they could GIVE. This is the way of the kingdom. It’s also the heart posture of Christ who came, not to be served, but to serve.

Elisha wanted a double portion of what Elijah carried. Yet, he recognized receiving that was not just a matter of putting himself in proximity to Elijah, but serving his needs (ref. 1 Kings 19:21). It says in this scripture that Elisha, “ministered” to Elijah. The word “minister” in this context is the Hebrew word, sharath, which means to serve.

So he returned from following him, and took the pair of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the implements of the oxen, and gave it to the people and they ate. Then he arose and followed Elijah and ministered to him. 1 Kings 19:21 NASB 1995

If you long for God to grow you in authority, to be promoted to positions of leadership, or simply receive ministry from someone, stop looking for what you can get and begin asking what you can give. Honor begins with humility and a servant-minded heart.

Practically, this may look like sowing financially without expectation of something in return. Perhaps it's praying for someone's ministry regularly. Maybe it's choosing to see a minister as a person to love, rather than someone who owes you something.

This heart posture will not only position you to receive, but will give you a heart for those you wish to receive from.


Pass Them the Keys