The Ultimate Imitator

So many today liken their identity as an apostle of Christ. Some are self-appointed and others are truly appointed and anointed by God.

An apostle, while a leader in the church called to raise up sons and daughters, is also the ultimate imitator. Their worldly identity and ambition has been stripped down, crucified, refined, and beautified to the point of transparency. When one looks at an apostle of Christ they should see the ultimate imitator of Jesus.

One who is called to lay down their life and die for the sake of leading and raising up the church. Being an apostle sounds glamorous but recognize that with influence, power, and authority comes an even greater death. Death to selfish ambition and impurity. Taking on the criticism of others for the sake of reforming the church into greater likeness of Jesus.

A false apostle will appoint themselves for their own interests rather than the glory of God. A real apostle has layed down their life to be a dedicated learner of Christ and is then in service to the church to teach and equip.

True apostleship is servant leadership in its most purified form. To serve means to take the low position of humility as Christ did. Apostleship becomes a platform for those being raised up to stand on as they grow in authority and leadership. A real apostle will even champion those they raise up even if they exceed them. This is why selfish ambition and competition has no place in real apostleship. An apostle is in service to the church as a life layed down.

"Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1


Anointing in Authenticity


The Something New