Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties

You may be surprised that a past relationship could have more influence on your current spiritual life than you realize. This is because demons like to take ground in the area of our soul. A soul tie is a spiritual link formed between two people where parts of their soul are connected. As I continue to learn more about deliverance, I’ve found breaking these ties is a significant key to freedom. In fact, soul ties can not only keep you demonized they also can keep you from embracing your current relationships.

Soul ties can influence our beliefs, dreams, relationships, ability to make decisions, walk with the Lord, and more. This is why you will not want to keep a soul tie with a former boyfriend or girlfriend, someone who abused you, ungodly friends, controlling relatives, etc.

Most commonly, soul ties are formed between two people who are romantically and/or physically intimate with one another. Physically intimacy creates a soul tie because the act of consummation is a sexual covenant which creates a one-flesh union. An indication that you still have a soul tie with an ex is that you visualize them when you are with someone else. This often happens in moments of intimacy but not exclusively. You may be holding the hand of your spouse and find yourself thinking about a former fling. Perhaps you fantasize about what your life would have been like with them and find it difficult to move on from the past. These are signs that the tie between your souls was never completely broken.

Keep in mind, a godly soul tie formed within the context of a romantic relationship is not a negative thing. Relationships and intimacy are a beautiful aspect of our lives that God intended our souls to have. In fact, we should have a godly soul tie with our spouse within the covenant of marriage. Where this can can open the door to demonic oppression is when sin is involved in creating the soul tie.

You may be surprised that married couples who did not abstain from sex before their wedding may need to break off ungodly soul ties with each other. Their marriage bed has been defiled which can cause relational and physical intimacy problems between the couple (ref. Hebrews 13:4). I recently prayed with a woman who was set free of a demon when she repented of pre-marital sexual sin with her husband. When we broke the ungodly soul tie that formed pre-marriage the demon manifested and left.

Additionally, soul ties will often keep people in abusive, unhealthy relationships. This is a one reason why people will stay in relationships where there is perpetual cheating, physical or emotional abuse, and dysfunction. Despite the abuse, they find themselves defending their relationship to friends and family who have pointed out the physical or emotional harm it has caused because the soul tie has created a dependency on the abuser. This is not exclusively the reason, but can certainly play a part in the cycle of abuse.

Furthermore, these ties can also be created between friends and family due to their close connection and influence in our lives. In the Bible, we see that David’s soul was knit together with Jonathan because of their loving friendship (ref: 1 Samuel 18:1). Again, this is not detrimental unless the tie creates unhealthy influence, dependency, and control.

Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself. 1 Samuel 18:1 NASB 1995

I have seen instances where abusive or controlling parents have unhealthy co-dependency and control over their adult children, which inhibits both the child and parent from having normal, independent lives that are dependent on God and not each other. This an example where the spiritual connection between their souls needs to be broken.

Now that we have unpacked examples of how ungodly soul ties can influence your life, let’s talk about how to break them. The good news is once a soul tie has been identified, it’s actually quite simple to verbally break it through prayer. To begin, both parties (if possible) should participate in forgiving one another for any harm to one another’s heart or sin. Once forgiveness has take place, I have outlined a prayer you can use below to break the tie.


Lord Jesus, in your name I break the ungodly soul tie between me and <insert name>. I forgive <name> for the harm they have caused me (specify what you are forgiving them for) and repent for any sin (name sin directly) I participated in with them or committed against them and God.

Now, in Jesus’ name, I take back all parts of my soul that I gave them and give back all parts of their soul they gave me. Lord, I now ask you to severe the ungodly tie between us and shut the door to everything that came in through them into my life in Jesus’ name.


In addition to this prayer, when severing an ungodly soul tie between a you and a former spouse, boyfriend girlfriend, or other relationship, you may also want to consider getting rid of any memorabilia that was significant in your relationship, such as rings or other jewelry. Often these objects were a symbol of your relationship and can not only hold significance to you emotionally, they may also be a significant symbol of your spiritual connection.

Once the ungodly soul tie has been broken, you will find that any demonic spirits that came in through that doorway will leave much more easily.


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